Big Moxie – Qtr 3 2022 – Link List

Quarter 3 – Shifter/Paranormal
560,407 words | 30 stories | 14 fandoms | 23 authors

Title: About Disasters and Home
Series: About Fairies, Friends, and Family Part 4 of 4
Author: Bythia
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Tsunami
Word Count: 15,179
Summary: Being swapped away by the force of a tsunami makes Buck realize some things about the life he has built in LA.

Title: About History and Friendship
Series: About Fairies, Friends, and Family Part 2 of 4
Author: Bythia
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/OMC
Warnings: discussion of Daniel and his death, Buckley parents' A+ parenting
Word Count: 12,545
Summary: Evan never lost contact with the friends he had once planned to join as a child—an invitation he only declined for his sister's sake. When he leaves Hershey after high school, he trusts them to lead him on his travels. Eventually, they lead him to a tree circle in Peru very similar to the one he had spent so much time at as a child. And there he meets, for the first time in his life, another person who is also aware of his friends and the true nature of the tree circle.

Title: About Leaving and Promises
Series: About Fairies, Friends, and Family Part 1 of 4
Author: Bythia
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley & Maddie Buckley
Warnings: child POV, Buckley Parent's A+ parenting (child neglect, absent parents)
Word Count: 8,271
Summary: When Maddie leaves for college, all Evan has left are his friends who all the other children have forgotten lately, and who Maddie called invisible and imagined. Evan knows better, though, and he knows about a special place in the forest where his connection to them is even stronger. With Maddie breaking her promise about coming home every weekend, Evan just might find a new home in the forest with his friends.

Title: About Secrets and Love
Series: About Fairies, Friends, and Family Part 3 of 4
Author: Bythia
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: pre Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan Buckley & Maddie Buckley
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Doug Kendall
Word Count: 13,160
Summary: When Maddie shows up in LA, clearly distraught and afraid, she refuses to tell Buck anything about why she left Doug. After Doug follows her to LA and only the warning of the Others prevents the worst, Buck has to decide how to handle the secrets of his family.

Title: Always be yourself (unless you can be a dragon)
Author: Blue_Eyed_Dreamer
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Pre-Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley
Warnings: Temporary Character Death
Word Count: 5,478
Summary: Dragons, people who can shift from human form to that of a fire breathing winged reptile, have been around for as long as humanity can remember. Feared by some, revered by others, Dragons have many strengths. But such strength rarely comes without a price to be paid. For Buck, that price slams into him with all the force of a tsunami.

Title: Come Home From The Dark
Author: Ladylookslikeadude
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley
Warnings: Discussion of Child Sacrifice, Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Kidnapping, Murder, Minor Character Death, Explicit Language
Word Count: 25,138
Summary: Buck has come a long way from Peru and the bodies he left in his wake-he's left magic behind, for the most part, and he's happier for it. And then he meets Eddie Diaz, a vampire who's determined to be his friend and who has an adorable half-vampire son that manages to break Buck's walls down in approximately two seconds. A shift in their relationship occurs after a natural disaster nearly destroys both of them, but Buck doesn't realize what he would do for the two of them until his parents decide to make a choice that has Buck reaching for his magic for the first time in years. Buck has always been dangerous, but he's been ashamed of that ever since Peru. To save Christopher Diaz from Philip and Margaret's machinations with the fae, he's more than willing to embrace it.

Title: Cosmos
Author: Mykki Tno
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Blood Magic is alluded not discussed
Word Count: 13,488
Summary: Eddie grew up knowing of the paranormal and magical world, but only in hushed whispers, all negative. When Chris starts exhibiting some questionable traits, Eddie does some research and comes across the name of Daniel Buckley, it starts him on his journey to a whole new universe and world, he's not sure he's ready for.

Title: Definition of Destiny
Author: Duochanfan
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan 'Buck' Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Xiaoli Huang, others
Warnings: In Vision Suicide, In Vision Child Abuse, Character Bashing, Ramon and Helena's A+ Parenting, Ableism, Suicidal Thoughts
Word Count: 27,569
Summary: Evan Buckley has had visions all his life, sometimes they were the ones that would knock him out, and other times, just a little insight into what was to come or what he should do. Pulls start to send him on a path that leads to a major vision and to a flight that will take him to El Paso and the doorstep of one Eddie Diaz and his son. Evan just hopes he will be enough that the visions he saw will not come true.

Title: Finding
Author: Drake_Scrawls
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Buck/Eddie
Warnings: Minor Character Death (Doug Kendall), Violence, Bigotry & Prejudice, Swift and Deadly Justice, Past Abuse, Past Attempted Murder, Past Attempted Kidnapping
Word Count: 33,009
Summary: It can be very hard to find what you are looking for when you have spent your whole life running away. Or the 9-1-1 Shifter AU you didn't know you wanted.

Title: fly into the moon
Author: hishn_greywalker
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: eddie diaz/buck buckley
Warnings: canon violence, canon characters being canon characters (diaz parents), discussion of off screen deaths/violence, a few comments against werewolves
Word Count: 10,833
Summary: When Buck returned to the States, he was drawn to LA. Mercedes told him that there was magic involved in being a wolf, and that even if she, personally, had never felt particularly compelled by it, he should listen for it. So he did. And then he met Eddie Diaz.

Title: He Knew No Haste
Author: DarkJediQueen
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/Lou Ransone
Warnings: Discussion Rape, Discussion Serial Killer, Graphic Violence, Discussion of Domestic Violence, Major Character Death (Maddie)
Word Count: 23,672
Summary: Evan Buckley knew he was different from the moment he remembered life. He always had a Guardian Angel looking over his shoulder and telling him not to do something stupid. Then when he was old enough, Daniel told him the truth. He wasn't a Guardian Angel, he was a ghost, and only Evan could see him. Oh, and he was also Evan's dead older brother.

Title: Into infinity
Author: Isthatso
Fandom: 9-1-1, Teen Wolf
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale
Warnings: Some explicit sex and violence, implied mpreg and murder, bad faith interpretations of characters, toxic behaviour, swearing
Word Count: 9,737
Summary: After Eddie announced that he was leaving the 118, Buck left the party. He didn't want to make it weird, but he also didn't know how to react 'appropriately'. So he did something stupid, because what else is new? Turns out, he did make it weird. Just not in any way anyone could have predicted.

Title: Isabel Diaz – Shifter Coach
Author: Director_DiNozzo
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: pre Buck/Eddie
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,260
Summary: When Buck learns that Bobby is keeping him from his pack, he doesn’t get the chance to call the sleazy lawyer. Isabel Diaz reached out first and took Evanito under her wing.

Title: Love Bites
Author: Duochanfan
Fandom: 9-1-1, Teen Wolf
Relationship: Eddie Diaz/Evan 'Buck' Buckley, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Major Character Death (Scott McCall)
Word Count: 8,373
Summary: Doing a late-night run wasn't the best of ideas for Buck, especially when something attacked him and bit him. Now, going to work with the bite no longer there, he wonders if it had all been a dream when Eddie corners him and makes him join him after their shift. Telling his Mate about Werewolves and that he was now one, wasn't exactly how he had planned to tell Buck about himself and Christopher. But with the Rogue Alpha now in their territory and a new Werewolf starting at the 118, can Eddie and his new Mate find the Rogue and take care of it and make new friends at the same time?

Title: Point of Origin
Author: HarleyJQuin
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Gen
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Werewolf Typical Violence, Buckley Parents A+ Parenting, Discussion of Non-Con, Discussion of Underage Non-Con, Not Chim Friendly, Child Neglect, Canon Typical Yuks
Word Count: 71,488
Summary: At the tender age of four, Evan Buckley found himself abandoned on the doorsteps of a fancy apartment building in New York City, the home of his biological father Alpha Ralph Vilkas. He and his dad try to find his siblings, but they’ve vanished without a trace.

Title: Safe Harbor
Series: Requiem Part 2
Author: Keira Marcos
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Canon-Level Violence, Discussion-Child Abuse, Discussion-Trauma, Parental Alienation, Homophobia, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics
Word Count: 35,230
Summary: Buck continues to adjust to the invasion of his everyday life by his siblings and his romance with Eddie Diaz. Changing dynamics at work, an earthquake, and the arrival of Eddie’s parents in LA converge on them all at once.

Title: Stifled Nature
Author: DarkJediQueen
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Child Abuse, Child Neglect
Word Count: 15,655
Summary: Buck embraced his life in the 118 and inside of the LAFD, the first major group in the city to attract and support Shifters in their ranks over a century ago. Despite Buck being the only person in his family who wasn’t gifted that way. Then he met Eddie, and he wants something he had never wanted before, a family.

Title: The Floofy Void
Author: a_clockwork_of_scars (ScarsLikeVelvet)
Fandom: 9-1-1, The Sandman
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Child Abuse/Neglect (mentioned), Racism (mentioned), Homophobia (mentioned), Attempted Murder
Word Count: 6,561
Summary: Dream of the Endless found a child he cared for and he raised it into a man that cared for others.

Title: The Monster Inside
Author: DarkJediQueen
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationships: Eddie Diaz & Shannon Diaz, Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley, Evan Buckley/Shannon Diaz
Warnings: Explicit Sex, Child Abuse, Attempted Child Murder, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Infidelity (Margaret Buckley), Murder, Minor Character Death, Kidnapping
Word Count: 32,428
Summary: Evan Buckley had been looking for a family that would accept him for who he was. He finds it and slowly becomes one with them, pulling his brother Daniel in with him as well.

Title: The Pieces Finally Fit
Author: Starkindler
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Off-screen Major Character Death, Discussion – Bigotry, Off-screen Physical Assault, Discussion - Attempted Murder
Word Count: 12,627
Summary: When Evan Buckley is assigned to the 76, it’s immediately clear that things aren’t going to work out there, so he’s reassigned to the 118 to be the partner and train under Eddie Diaz.

Title: Waiting for a Change
Author: Lostariel
Fandom: 9-1-1
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: None
Word Count: 8,507
Summary: Sometimes a small shared secret can spark huge changes.
Eddie knew that Buck had a past and a life outside of them. But he hadn't expected what his friend mentioned that day to cause such a reaction in him and to free the attraction he had kept in a box for so long.

Title:There's an Endless Road to Rediscover
Author: taibhrigh
Fandom(s): Inception, Gundam Wing
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,200
Summary: Duo runs into the brother he thought was dead. A reunion happens.

Title: Truths and Trials
Author: silkendreammaid
Fandom: Harry Potter, The Sentinel
Relationship: n/a yet
Warnings: none yet
Word Count: 4,403
Summary: The goblins bring Sirius Black to trial. They even have a sentinel on hand. A sentinel who hates Sirius Black.

Title: Youkais and Witches
Author: sarhea
Fandom: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Sesshoumaru
Warnings: None really
Word Count: 7,061
Summary: Magical society evolved differently in Asia. Hermione finds a new home in Japan among youkais.

Title: There's an Endless Road to Rediscover
Author: taibhrigh
Fandom(s): Inception, Gundam Wing
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,200
Summary: Duo runs into the brother he thought was dead. A reunion happens.

Title: Youkais and Witches
Author: sarhea
Fandom: InuYasha/Harry Potter
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Sesshoumaru
Warnings: None really
Word Count: 7,061
Summary: Magical society evolved differently in Asia. Hermione finds a new home in Japan among youkais.

Title: Tangled Strands of Time
Series: A Timeless Journey... Part I
Author: ImaliFegen89
Fandom: Shadowhunters, Minority Report
Relationship: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, Blood, Violence, Very temp. MCD
Word Count: 28,042
Summary: A shifter lost in time, waiting to be found and reunited with the other half of his fractured soul...

Title: Sakumo's Travel Journal
Author: CappuccettoRosso
Fandom: Naruto
Relationship: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: 6,007
Summary: Herein lies the Summary of my travels. I hope that, in writing my experiences down in this journal, it would benefit future generations. And by future generations, I mostly mean my future son or daughter-in-law. It is my fervent hope that you make full use of the blackmail material - including but not limited to embarrassing anecdotes and incriminating photos- found within these pages to, ah, enrich the life of my darling boy. You’re welcome, Kashi-kun. (Or: The one where Sakumo and his son Kakashi travel around the world, helping people.)

Title: There’s Room to Grow
Author: West Wind
Fandom: NCIS/Teen Wolf
Relationship: Peter Hale/Tony DiNozzo
Warnings: Canon level violence, kidnapping
Word Count: 6,845
Summary: How Peter Hale, director of The Agency of Paranormal Disputes, becomes an alpha when saving his partner.

Title: Tangled Strands of Time
Series: A Timeless Journey... Part I
Author: ImaliFegen89
Fandom: Shadowhunters, Minority Report
Relationship: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, Blood, Violence, Very temp. MCD
Word Count: 28,042
Summary: A shifter lost in time, waiting to be found and reunited with the other half of his fractured soul...

Title: The Curious Case of Lieutenant Commander Jacobs
Author: OlegGunnarsson
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
Relationship: None
Warnings: Involuntary Shifting (and accompanying minor body horror)
Word Count: 5,040
Summary: In the years following the burn, Alpha Tau V - known to its people as The Range - became increasingly isolated. No one questioned it, preferring to live in peace and seclusion. Now, with the arrival of the USS Discovery, the people of The Range learn the reasons behind their isolation.

Title: Into infinity
Author: Isthatso
Fandom: 9-1-1, Teen Wolf
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale
Warnings: Some explicit sex and violence, implied mpreg and murder, bad faith interpretations of characters, toxic behaviour, swearing
Word Count: 9,737
Summary: After Eddie announced that he was leaving the 118, Buck left the party. He didn't want to make it weird, but he also didn't know how to react 'appropriately'. So he did something stupid, because what else is new? Turns out, he did make it weird. Just not in any way anyone could have predicted.

Title: Love Bites
Author: Duochanfan
Fandom: 9-1-1, Teen Wolf
Relationship: Eddie Diaz/Evan 'Buck' Buckley, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Major Character Death (Scott McCall)
Word Count: 8,373
Summary: Doing a late-night run wasn't the best of ideas for Buck, especially when something attacked him and bit him. Now, going to work with the bite no longer there, he wonders if it had all been a dream when Eddie corners him and makes him join him after their shift. Telling his Mate about Werewolves and that he was now one, wasn't exactly how he had planned to tell Buck about himself and Christopher. But with the Rogue Alpha now in their territory and a new Werewolf starting at the 118, can Eddie and his new Mate find the Rogue and take care of it and make new friends at the same time?

Title: Flight Gone Awry
Author: Goddess47
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: minor injury to shifted character
Word Count: 5,322
Summary: The instincts of the peregrine falcon took over and Stiles dove to chase the pigeon. The pigeon dashed close to an apartment building and then headed toward the ground. Stiles followed the pigeon toward the building but was caught by an unexpected gust of wind that slammed him against the building.

Title: There’s Room to Grow
Author: West Wind
Fandom: NCIS/Teen Wolf
Relationship: Peter Hale/Tony DiNozzo
Warnings: Canon level violence, kidnapping
Word Count: 6,845
Summary: How Peter Hale, director of The Agency of Paranormal Disputes, becomes an alpha when saving his partner.

Title: The Floofy Void
Author: a_clockwork_of_scars (ScarsLikeVelvet)
Fandom: 9-1-1, The Sandman
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Warnings: Child Abuse/Neglect (mentioned), Racism (mentioned), Homophobia (mentioned), Attempted Murder
Word Count: 6,561
Summary: Dream of the Endless found a child he cared for and he raised it into a man that cared for others.

Title: Truths and Trials
Author: silkendreammaid
Fandom: Harry Potter, The Sentinel
Relationship: n/a yet
Warnings: none yet
Word Count: 4,403
Summary: The goblins bring Sirius Black to trial. They even have a sentinel on hand. A sentinel who hates Sirius Black.

Title: The Fairy's Wrath
Series: The Fairy-Verse Part 2
Author: Bythia
Fandom: Torchwood
Relationship: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Apocalypse (during the Year That Never Was)
Word Count: 93,280
Summary: Shortly before the election of the new Prime Minister, Ianto notices something strange going on with his connection to the Otherworld. It's the worst time of all for him to have to deal with another problem, between Jack leaving, Gwen thinking she is more important than she is, and Harold Saxon trying to send them to the Himalayas when he shouldn't even know about them. But maybe all of these things aren't as unconnected as they seem to be at first.

Keira Marcos

In my spare time, I write fanfiction and lead a cult of cock worshippers on the Internet. It's not the usual kind of hobby for a 40ish "domestic engineer" but we live in a modern world and I like fucking with people's expectations.

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