The Modern Writer

It’s hardly a secret that I’ve been looking for a “home” of some sort when it comes to fandom since Livejournal imploded and stopped being what fandom needed. I tried Tumblr, Facebook, MeWe, and my own forum spaces but not necessarily in that order. Nothing really clicked for me, no…

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The Turning Point

I think every writer has a turning point in their craft when their emotional investment in their work shifts and changes. There was a time when I focused on pleasing others with my writing. I twisted myself up and worried excessively about pleasing this one writer “friend” in my life….

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The Word Factory

This year I’ve been blogging about various writer topics that cross my mind. Mostly, these essays have been a way to arrange my thoughts on my life and experiences as a writer. It’s essential, I think, to kind of map yourself out as a writer. On the podcast, we talk…

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Story Building: The Novella

We’re doing a workshop on Discord this week and tonight is the introductory podcast. My apologies for not announcing on my website sooner. I created the events on the Facebook calendar and called myself done! 2-9-2020 Introduction: Plotting a Novella Summary: How to get started. Archived: Castbox 2-10-2020 Defining Your…

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