The Myth of Writer’s Block

As a writer, there have been periods in my life when I was immensely productive. This year has been one of them. We have this writing bot on the Just Write Discord server that I’ve been using to keep track of my writing and word count for the year. I set some goals for myself for the purpose of record-keeping. I tried to keep them small so as not to create a burden or add undue stress.

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You Can Miss Me With That Bullshit

People often ask me how much they should be able to write in a day. Should never applies because there is no mandate, but the realm of what’s possible is highly variable on a number of factors that have little to do with someone’s typing speed. But there are some statistical trends that we can look at that we’ll delve into later in the article.

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The Root of Inspiration

I didn’t cross the finish line for NANO this year, and I don’t feel like I failed. I could talk about the stress of the last year (and did on in my personal newsletter), but as I enter the final weeks of 2020, I’ve written close to half a million…

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2021 Prompt Calendar

Welcome to the 2021 Prompt Calendar! These short story prompts are designed to give you a little push in the creative department if you aren’t sure where you want to put your words. We don’t consider these “challenge” prompts so no pressure. If you wish to participate there is no…

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Rime of the Modern Writer

When I was a wee writer, back before bread came pre-sliced, when I wanted to write, I just wrote. Comfort wasn’t a factor and environment wasn’t much of one either—provided water wasn’t falling from the sky directly on my head. Then I went through my Goldilocks phase where everything had…

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Head Canon Fodder

I wrote fanfiction privately for years. I really didn’t fully comprehend the scope of fandom until the late 90s. The Internet exposed me to a profound cultural experience, the likes of which I didn’t know was possible. In a way, fandom saved the writer in me. It gave me a…

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Balancing Id in Your Writing

I’ve been struggling to write this year in a way I haven’t experienced in almost two decades. I’ve started many projects, but I haven’t gotten very far with anything because everything feels flat. When I was deciding on my NaNoWriMo project, I had many options plotted, and every one of…

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Fanart and You

1) You should be having some degree of fun making your art! If you’re not having fun, try a different medium. Traditional art has always invoked mixed emotions in me but photo manipulation? I love it wholeheartedly! 2) An encouraging voice makes things a lot easier. Even if it’s just…

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Creative Synergy

I’ve been participating in National Novel Writing Month since 2002. I avoided organized groups and even the website itself at that time. Writing was a very solitary endeavor for me as a young woman because it was such a personal thing for me. The idea of sharing my work with…

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